Thank you very much


We have received your application and will get back to you as soon as possible.

What happens after your application
1. Confirmation of receipt & review of your application

  • After we have received your application, you will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail. Please make sure you enter a correct e-mail address so that our message is guaranteed to reach you! If necessary, please also check your spam folder.
  • Your documents will be forwarded directly to our HR department and checked.
  • We will get back to you within 48 hours - during our office hours

2. Meeting & interview

  • If your application has aroused our curiosity, we will invite you to an initial interview, which usually lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, to get to know each other. We want to get to know you a little better and find out more about your experience, qualifications and motivation.
  • The appointment will be arranged with you by telephone or e-mail.

3. Your work shadowing day

  • If it suits both parties, we will plan a work shadowing day with you. Here you will get to know your colleagues from the HR department as well as colleagues from the respective specialist areas. You will get an impression of what tasks await you here and how we work as a team. You are welcome to ask us your questions at any time.

4. Welcome & Conclusion of contract

  • Did our last interview confirm our positive impression? If you feel comfortable with us and we have a suitable position for you, nothing stands in the way of a contract offer.
  • We want to help you to quickly find your feet with us, even before your first day at work. That's why we support you from the very first minute with a comprehensive induction programme.